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 VA - Play It Loud: Punk Rock Compilation (2023) 
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 Predmet príspevku: VA - Play It Loud: Punk Rock Compilation (2023)
PoslaťNapísal: Štv 16. Mar 2023 10:38:45 

Registrovaný: Štv 22. Sep 2022 12:44:29
Príspevky: 783
Hotovosť: 833.00

Artist: Various Artist
Title Of Album: Play It Loud: Punk Rock Compilation
Year Of Release: 2023
Label: Rock Radio
Genre: Punk, Rock, Alternative
Total Time: 07:41:17
Format: MP3
Quality: 320 kbps
Total Size: 1090 mb

001. Five Hundred Bucks | Velvet Arms
002. Plizzken | Unwanted
003. Angora Club | Samt
004. Ken Yokoyama | Without You
005. Miss Vincent | Shiver
006. Craig's Brother | All The Way
007. Goddamnit | Hide The Bruises Wisely
008. Stay Out | Caught In The Moment
009. Lunkheads | Hey Mr. Obelisk
010. Brigade Loco | Bi Arima
011. Eater | Bedroom Fits
012. Ignite | Anti Complicity Anthem
013. Country Yard | River
014. Basement Gary | Nanana
015. Fightback | Football, Fights And Rock 'n' Roll
016. Huntingtons | She's The One
017. The Boneless Ones | We Ride The Night
018. Badd Music | 24Th & Munroe
019. Forever Unclean | Kold
020. Edward In Venice | Holy Rain
021. Those Without | Oblivious
022. Sham 69 | Heaven On Earth
023. Helem | Can't Compare
024. Here For A Reason | Hero For Summer
025. Sincere Engineer | Bless My Psyche
026. Grizzlyhawk | No One
027. Doug & The Slugz | Pistoled
028. Violent Way | Our Stand
029. Geoffrey Oicott | Beamers
030. 5046 Affiliates | Get Some
031. Soldiers Of Destruction | Kilmister
032. United Defiance | Cool Kids Club
033. Urethane | High Sign
034. You Could Be A Cop | Sequin Lights
035. Amyl And The Sniffers | Laughing
036. The Yodees | Easy Kill
037. Positivo Muсeco | Ahora Que No Estos
038. Knice | Urine Me
039. Ink4Ivy | Armageddon
040. Debt Crisis | Pretty Wack
041. Namesake | Come Back Home
042. Dievisitor | Egal
043. Diazepunk | Nada Entre Nosotros Dos
044. Choked By Gum | In Tango With Establishment
045. Victory Kid | My World
046. Twenty | What She Did
047. Nofx | Darby Crashing Your Party
048. Neurotox | Auf All Meinen Wegen
049. Emergency Radio | Killing A Ghost
050. Pulley | The Ocean Song
051. 390 | Nsa
052. Forward Into War | I Hate Hippies
053. Revoltone | Break Out
054. Frenzee | Abort Mission
055. Wanima | Negaukoto
056. Vampire Slumber Party | Wasted Energy
057. Funnyage | The Answer Is Always In Myself
058. Coquettish | You Decide
059. Love Equals Death | Gravity And Grace
060. Skid City | Dumb
061. Clueless | Feed Me Distraction
062. Delta Bats | Mental Hell
063. Ruynor | Glycerine 48
064. Symphony Of Distraction | Never Been Important
065. The Black Halos | A History Of Violence
066. Restrisiko | Tanz Mit Dem Teufel
067. Half Cab | Trailer Park
068. Fankaz | Solace
069. Racist Kramer | Tontine
070. Lesser Creatures | Plan Ahead
071. Tough Cuffs | Rinse
072. Splintera | Stronger
073. Ydinperhe | Kymmenen Valivuotta
074. Australia Feroz | Afuera
075. Capgun Heroes | Heroes
076. The Getaway | Here We Go Again
077. Always Grounded | Smoke Signals From A Past Life
078. The Young Hasselhoffs | Sweet Matilda
079. Blind Pigs | Lights Out
080. Pep Talk | Big Big Baby
081. Wishful Thinking | Show Me How
082. Small State | Call It Karma
083. Nominee | Save Myself
084. Abraskadabra | Everyone Is Special
085. From The Tracks | Lose Your Faith
086. Rosi Dodged A Bullet | Living For Saturday
087. Sewer Trout | Paradise Lost
088. Choke | Nothing
089. Hudkreft | Floskelpolitikk
090. Secnd Best | Status Quote
091. Face To Face | Spit Shine
092. Mcnilly | This Is Endless
093. Charge 69 | Crime Passionnel
094. Dropouts | She's A Parasite
095. Authority Zero | The Back Nine
096. Aivolavistys | Rajoitettu Isanmaa
097. The Bruce Lee Band | Lie Big And Do It Often
098. We Are The Union | Big River
099. Naked Raygun | Farewell To Arms
100. The Black Punks | O Espelho Enfrentar
101. Free Throw | Trust Fall
102. The Uglies | Big Turd International
103. Virginity | You Can't Stop The Machine
104. Postage | Decent
105. Cockney Rejects | That Thing We Do
106. Mattstagraham | Armchair Philosopher
107. 92Fu | The Love They Needed
108. Oslo Ess | Om Du Kunne Sett Han Na
109. Raaka Hanu | Miami
110. Beach Rats | Beach Talk
111. Deadends | Tongue Tied
112. Klzon Chino | Poco Tiempo
113. Goin' Places | Be With Me
114. The Queers | Stepping Stone
115. Marode | Nein
116. The Hangups | Best Coast
117. Travoltas | She's Gonna Break My Heart In Two
118. Brooklane | Empty Room
119. Lemon Law | Sufficiently Stoned
120. Trubbel | Gamla Hundar
121. Punk Rock Factory | Bring Me To Life
122. Frдulein Tonspur | Festival
123. Double Negative | Eighty Three Days
124. Block Parent | Bill's Bargain Basement
125. False Freedom | The Tick
126. On The Job | Punks & Skins
127. Our Darkest Days | The Road To Nothingness
128. Other Half | Losing The Whip
129. Predator | Cortex
130. Desperate Acts | Veil
131. Stonetone | Guns Of Mr. Miyagi
132. The Ice Cold Killers | Warhorse
133. Hard Headed | Shitville Wankers
134. Captain Asshole | Good News, Everyone
135. The Stranglers | She's Slipping Away
136. Sunliner | Palliative Care
137. Beatnik Termites | Pet Shop Girl
138. Taking Meds | Tame
139. Elway | Deep Fake
140. Beyond The Badlands | Black Hills
141. The Morans | Cable
142. Lassiters | This Is Your Life
143. Captain Kaiser | Afraid
144. Mau Maus | The Oath
145. Bonecrusher | Hypocrisy
146. All Aboard! | Why Pretend?
147. Pup | Relentless
148. Dissidente | Labor Day
149. Bury Me | Smother Me To Death
150. Desfase Rural | La Sole
151. Great Joy | Half In Half Out
152. New Real Disaster | Under My Feet
153. The Delinquents | Fall Down
154. Oi!sturm Asozial | Was Bleibt
155. Devasted | In One Shot
156. When The Walls Fell | Run For Your Life
157. Strangers Forever | Enjoy The Ride
158. The Raging Nathans | New Direction
159. Heiter Bis Wolkig | Mein Freund Der Baum
160. Breaklights | Parolees


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